Faculty members include all teaching staff and are required to carry out special functions as directed by the Principal. The Principal may also prepare a roster whereby all faculty members are assigned for duty each day. The staff on duty will take full responsibility for all matters and inform the Principal of any serious issue needing prompt intervention
The Principal shall be Chairperson;
The minutes is to be taken by any faculty member;
The quorum is achieved when half or more of the members are present;
The Faculty shall meet bi-monthly but may meet more frequently as deemed necessary by Chairperson.
The main function of the Faculty Meeting is to assist the Principal in the execution of his/her duties and responsibilities, as well as helping the Principal regarding the following:
The overseeing and coordination of the day-to-day activities and programmes of the College;
Confirming and designation of courses to each lecturer;
Moderation of the contents of examination papers for individual courses;
Recommending new student intake for the following year;
Development of spiritual, moral and academic standards; and implementation of College rules and policies.

+686 75128342
