Auxiliary Board members

Tangintebu Auxiliary Board

The highest governing body of the College is the Tangintebu Auxiliary Board, subsidiary body of the Ministerial Committee. Its main role is to oversee the College’s general operations and offers advice where necessary.

Purpose and Function

  • The purpose and functions of the Tangintebu Auxiliary Board is to make decisions on behalf of the Ministerial Committee regarding the following:

  • The Auxiliary Board is to be responsible for the academic development of the College

  • Discuss and make decisions on issues related to the welfare and smooth running of the College by considering and taking necessary actions in assisting students with more serious complications as recommended by the TThC Faculty.

  • Undertaking the overall review of the curriculum, once every year and submitted to the Ministerial Committee before the Church Bi – annual General Assembly.

  • Approval of the programs and activities of the College;

  • Checking the Work plan and activities of the College

  • Receive and approve the final grades of students for graduation;

  • Receive and approve prize winners and other awards during graduation;

  • Scrutinize the College budget and its developments, physical or personnel, further discussion by the Ministerial Committee.

  • Develop other working groups that are necessary for the development of the College Academic and Non-Academic needs. Professional Development working group, Course Approval Committee, library working groups and Disciplinary committee.

  • Appraisal and Selection of Candidates)

  • Conferring of certificates and diplomas to graduating students

  • Considering student’s appeals

  • The TThC Auxiliary Board is accountable to the Ministerial Committee and work to fulfil the resolutions of the Ministerial Committee regarding the College once endorsed by the KUC Council and General Assembly.

  • The TThC Auxiliary Board will work to see that all the College academic programs are in line with the SPATS requirements, and work to raise the level of academic excellence as a vision to be achieved in future.

  • The Tangintebu Auxiliary Board will continue to work and serve the KUC through the Ministerial Committee and fulfil its obligations as mandated by the Ministerial Committee


The College Auxiliary Board shall consist of the following members:

  • Secretary for Mission
  • Ministerial Representatives 4 (bishops)
  • Principal
  • Dean of studies
  • Registrar
+686 75128342

+686 75128342

Tangintebu, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati

Tangintebu, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati