About Tangintebu
Warm greetings and welcome to Tangintebu Theological College!
Tangintebu Theological College (TThC) is owned by the Kiribati Uniting Church (KUC), and the only institution in Micronesia offering three programmes such as; Certificate in Theology (Level IV), Diploma in Theology (Level VI) and Bachelor of Divinity (Level VII). The 3 programmes are aligned with the Pacific Qualification Framework, and are accredited to South Pacific Association of Theological Schools (SPATS)
Though the College was established to serve the Church through the training and moulding of future Kiribati Ministers, its role has expanded over the years to also serve the sub-region of Micronesia and the wider Pacific region with young people from the islands of Tuvalu, Nauru and others attending and graduating from TThC.
With the new curriculum design, the College is once again introducing Bachelor of Divinity. This is another milestone whereby students are exposed to higher level knowledge and skills
The College has two landmark structures/buildings centrally located on campus, a chapel and meeting hall (maneaba). The Sadd Memorial Chapel, named after Reverend Alfred Sadd, a European Missionary who was executed by the Japanese during World War II, is the main centre for worship, and a Maneaba which is the centre for social and communal gatherings for the College community. Occasionally, worship services are held in the maneaba for larger crowds.
TThC is proud of its achievements as demonstrated in the success of its alumina graduates who have served or are currently serving notable regional organisations and institutions in the Region such as the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC), Pacific Theological College (PTC) and the University of the South Pacific (USP).
The College also opens its doors to ‘church-going’ expatriate workers working in South Tarawa by providing worship services in English every Sunday morning. The service starts at 9:30am and is open for anyone wishing to join.
To provide high quality, resilient theological education for Christian Ministers, Community Leaders, men and women in enriching the spiritual, social values of the church members.