Staffs Professional Development Program

Tangintebu Theological College (TThC) is pursuing its professional development programs for its lectures to undertake further Professional Development Studies in various prestige international Theological Colleges and universities overseas. Since the inception of this program, the college had been sending several lectures to various pacific and international theological colleges and Universities to upgrade to a Masters and PhD level of qualification in theology studies. The recent cohort involves two of it lecture who were currently doing their masters in theology studies in south Korea and Fiji.

Rev Tasiuta Tarakabu

Tasiuta Tarakabu, was a former student and lecture of Tangintebu Theological college (TThC). He was initially enrolled as a student of Tangintebu in a two years Bachelor of Devinity program and has successfully completed his studies. He was then becoming a Lecture, teaching Old Testament in biblical studies at the College.

Reverend Tasiuta is now doing his two years master’s program in Old Testament studies at the United Graduate School of Theology, at YONSEI University in Seoul, south Korea. He is expected to complete his studies by the end of 2025 and will return to serve the church and the people of Kiribati. We are looking forward for the completion of his studies and his return to serve TThC again.


Rev Toobora Tam‘atone

Reverend Toobora Tam’atone had previously worked with the department of Translation and Publication at the Kiribati Uniting Church (KUC) Headquarter in Kiribati. Later, she had joined Tangintebu Theological College, assisting the Church History department Teaching Church and History studies. She is now currently doing her two years master program in Theology at the Pacific Theology College (PTC) in Suva, Fiji.

Toobora’s studies was made possible through funding support from the Uniting World. Her study program is expected to be completed by the end of 2025. TThC is looking forward for the completion of her studies and her return to serve TThC and Kiribati Uniting Church.


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